Koha Plugin Store

Plugins List

ID Title Description Author User ID Releases Actions
1 CoverFlow plugin Convert a report into a coverflow style widget! Kyle M Hall 1 2
2 IllActions ILL Actions PTFS-Europe 1 1
3 PDFtoCover Creates cover images for documents missing one Mehdi Hamidi, Bouzid Fergani, Arthur Bousquet, The Minh Luong, Matthias Le Gac 1 1
4 LMSEventManagement This plugin makes managing events with koha a breeze! LMSCloud GmbH 1 1
5 GeoSearch Plugin display Search Results on a Map Mark Hofstetter 4 1

Users List

ID Username Email Password
1 admin admin@www.com $2y$14$suGo48Hu5oujkBqBqzVueeZHjjkNsY1/SZCBtIMFkoDbX.2Vq92yy
2 John john@doe.com $2y$14$0s3kXSp4hBVi5ueaRr1sJez2XGgvV/OETt653a28GHWHCskqV5rRa
3 pedro pjamorim91@gmail.com $2y$14$6Paw/sgU.7HMi5NxAjLbr.BECSaW4COs2ZZCF9gCBSgHQIBRxx/EW
4 MarkHofstetter mark@hofstetter.at $2y$14$u3LKV68ZUudenrZ4pPeeKe85fFN5XyKcjXb223At5x/3xifiXOHUq
5 smolarz mikolaj.smolarz@tu.koszalin.pl $2y$14$/9Cudg3KS5HEBFH03Kjp4ercvR6qTPwswT5hAK422qo0K/ZjVDyWW
6 lisette lisette@bywatersolutions.com $2y$14$2WW9JWHpnbBD3ceJyBeyQuRE1CMBuuSNp.LxIo3ar4ykIl8HFA1KG